There are two major groups ofHerbicides

·        Selective Herbicidesare the most commonly used in society. They are designed to only kill off a specific target. They make up the majority of household and gardening herbicides.

·        A Selective herbicide is one that kills or retards the growth of an unwanted plant or "weed" while causing little or no injury to desirable species.

·        Selective herbicides are further classified by the plant that is affected.

·        Because the most common uses for selective herbicides are agricultural and domestic, the most common targets are broad leaf weeds and grasses.

·        A Non-Selective Herbicideis more general. It is an herbicide which affects a vast amount of plant species.

·        Non selective herbicides are generally contact herbicides that kill all plants that come into contact with the herbicide.


Herbicides are also classified by the plants affected.

·        Broadleaf Herbicidesaffect plants with broad leaves, but do not affect grasses or conifers.

·        The most common type of Broadleaf Herbicide are the Growth regulators.

·        These herbicides disrupt the plant’s natural growth hormones, causing abnormal growth of leaves and stems.

·        There are alsoGrass Herbicides, which specifically target grasses.


